Modern Data Stack

MDS is a set of tools and principles that allows companies of any size to capture, process, store and make available data products following best practices.

How important is a modern data architecture?

Data as strategic assets

Modern data architectures avoid lock-in and guarantee total portability of data and the logic that defines it.

Ability to deliver data products

Modern data teams already act as product teams. Your company's data architecture needs to be able to deliver data products quickly and with quality.

From Monolith to Data Mesh

Gone are the days when data platforms were developed in a single on-premises infrastructure and were the exclusive preserve of large companies willing to invest the time and money needed to build so-called 'monoliths'.

New visions of data architecture such as Data Fabric and Data Mesh have gained traction in recent years, requiring new technologies and processes to deconstruct monoliths and democratize data in organizations.

Scalable and elastic like a cloud

It is possible to build scalable data architectures for Big Data. Techniques such as FinOps make it possible to monitor and optimize costs and avoid surprises

Adapted for the data professionals of the future

In addition to analysts, scientists and data engineering professionals, modern data teams include analytics, machine learning, platform engineering professionals and more.


Very soon, new language models, or LLMs, will be part of people's daily lives and companies need to be ready to adopt them into their workflows.

Why implement MDS?


Fully cloud-based data storage, centralized in the cloud, highly scalable and flexible technology, reducing infrastructure, installation and maintenance costs.

Quality data as a principle

Good testing practices in data projects, as in modern software projects, guarantee the consistency and reliability of the results.


Thousands of startups use the Modern Data Stack as the backbone of their operations, while century-old corporations have already chosen MDS as the basis of their data driven transformation.


The Modern Data Stack provides modularity between tools and even between analyses. Through Data Contracts and Analytics as code, data can be shared securely.

Simplicity to reduce technical debt in data

The transformation of data into SQL and Python is done centrally, bringing benefits such as democratizing information and reducing training and maintenance costs.

Governance by design

Centralized and easily accessible information in one place, simplifying data documentation and governance, allowing the creation of permissioning logics and the management of sensitive data in an integrated manner.


Use of good versioning practices allowing collaborative work on data projects, without generating conflicts thanks to the modern ELT tools used in this approach.

Separation of environments

Creation of distinct environments for separating raw data, data in transformation and final data, facilitating access to different development environments.

Why implement the Modern Data Stack with Indicium?

References in the technologies that matter

Indicium is a reference in the main MDS technologies, being one of the first dbt consultancies in the world and the first Snowflake Select partner in Latin America.

But we don't limit ourselves to one or two technologies, we've worked with dozens of different MDS combinations and we're technologically agnostic so we can use the architecture that best suits your business.

Full-Stack Data Company

We know that the data area is dynamic and the challenges evolve according to the needs of the business.

All of our squads are supported by our Tech Leads, guaranteeing quality delivery while maintaining the simplicity and flexibility of all-in-one squads.

Too many tools, not enough standards

The data ecosystem is too dynamic even for those who live in this world on a daily basis. To guarantee good choices, Indicium continually invests in mapping new technologies and building architecture standards that will stand the test of time.

We do our homework so that you can allocate resources where it matters: to generating value with data.

Professionals ready for the future

Our professionals are experts in the Modern Data Stack and we conduct weekly training sessions on new technologies and modern data processes.

We believe that if the tools change, the good practices last.

Data product culture

We have our own product development methodology based on platform products, accelerators and data products.

In order to guarantee the execution of this methodology, all our teams are led by a Data Product Manager and 100% of the team is trained in generating value with data products.

Consultative partners

To ensure that the data driven journey is aligned with the strategic objectives of each organization, we have developed a series of proprietary consulting methodologies for analytical maturity, data product development, governance and monitoring of data transformation processes.

Agnostic experience

We work agnostically with the main technologies of the Modern Data Stack (or the best architecture for your company).Our advanced knowledge management and training processes guarantee a unique development experience while maintaining best practices in data governance and information security.

Our numbers:

thousand hours
data professionals

Operations and processes

We continuously invest in mapping and improving data processes.

We use data analysis and AI to optimize our processes, just as we do for our customers.

We are pioneers in applying operations concepts to data, such as DataOps and MLOps.


Transparency is one of our values: both inside and out.

Our professionals are completely transparent about the company's results and their own indicators. Our clients receive detailed reports on all the services carried out during the course of projects.

Quality assurance for long-lasting relationships

We believe in long-lasting relationships and that's why we work continuously to guarantee the best quality in the data services we provide.

All projects are regularly monitored by Tech Leads, data governance processes and quarterly audits.

Culture and retention

Indicium is recognized as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil, according to GPTW.

Our culture values diversity, innovation and collaboration.

P&D (Accelerators)

Although we are a service company, we continuously invest in building accelerators, templates and contributions to the open-source data community.

Our data science team also participates in Kaggle competitions to learn new challenges and advanced AI techniques in practice.

Selection process

The technical quality of our services starts with our unique selection process based on challenges for all positions in the company.

We have a technical team selected and trained through our training programs, guaranteeing quality and a culture that is unmatched in the market.

In addition, through the LIGHTHOUSE program we invest in training outstanding data professionals with a unique curriculum focused on combining theory and practice.

Competence-based training

Our People and Culture team develops a training program based on a Competency Matrix with more than 200 criteria evaluated every six months for each position at Indicium.

Our employees are entitled to use a minimum of 10% of their working hours for training, studies and various innovations.

We carry out weekly technical training through the TechTracks program, as well as leadership training programs, masterclasses with market reference professionals and an internal course platform.

In addition, Indicium Academy is a benchmark in training Modern Data Stack professionals in Brazil, with more than 500 analytics engineering professionals trained.

trained analytics engineers

Encouraging certification and technical reference

We value our professionals' culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing through certification incentive programs and the DataBlogger program for building technical content.

Our professionals have been featured in Modern Data Stack publications and Medium Indicium Engineering is a reference for technical content in the area.

Our figures:

monthly views on Medium
technical content developed

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