data squad as a service

An exclusive Indicium methodology that combines agile development techniques with the unique data product creation skills of Indicium professionals.

The main differentiators of DSaaS

Consulting partners in the data-driven transformation

Data-driven transformation is a journey, not a destination.

To ensure that it is aligned with the strategic goals of each organization, we have developed a series of proprietary consulting methodologies for analytical maturity, data product development, governance, and monitoring of data transformation processes.

Operations and processes

Modern data teams already act as product teams, so your company's data architecture needs to be able to deliver high-quality data products quickly.

We continuously invest in mapping and improving data processes.

We use data analysis and AI to optimize our processes,  just as we do for our customers.

We are pioneers in applying operations concepts to data, such as DataOps and MLOps.

Culture and retention

Indicium is recognized as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil, according to GPTW.

Our culture values diversity, innovation, and collaboration.

We are honored to have one of the lowest turnover rates in the market, and many professionals who have had experience with our work are references in companies in Brazil and abroad.

Full-stack data company

DSAS is designed to solve various data challenges through multidisciplinary teams composed of data analysts, scientists, engineers, and analytics professionals, as well as designers and project managers.

All of our teams are supported by our tech leads, guaranteeing quality delivery while maintaining the simplicity and flexibility of all-in-one squads.

Data product culture

We have our own product development methodology based on platform products, accelerators, and data products.

In order to guarantee the execution of this methodology, all our teams are led by data product managers and trained in generating value with data products.

Agnostic experience

We work agnostically with the main technologies of the Modern Data Stack (or the best architecture for your company).

Our advanced knowledge management and training processes guarantee a unique development experience while maintaining best practices in data governance and information security.

Our numbers:

thousand hours
data professionals


Transparency is one of our values: both inside and out.

Our professionals are completely transparent about the company's results and their own indicators. Our clients receive detailed reports on all services carried out during the course of projects.

Quality assurance for long-lasting relationships

We believe in long-lasting relationships, and that's why we work continuously to guarantee the best quality in the data services we provide.

All projects are regularly monitored by tech leads, data governance processes, and quarterly audits.

P&D (Accelerators)

Although we are a services company, we continuously invest in building accelerators, templates, and contributions to the open-source data community.

Our data science team also participates in Kaggle competitions to learn new challenges and advanced AI techniques in practice.

Selection process

The technical quality of our services starts with our unique selection process based on challenges for all positions in the company.

We have a technical team selected and trained through our training programs, guaranteeing quality and a culture that is unmatched in the market.

Through the LIGHTHOUSE program, we invest in training outstanding data professionals with a unique curriculum focused on combining theory and practice.

Competence-based training

Our People & Culture team develops a training program based on a competency matrix with more than 200 criteria evaluated every six months for each position at Indicium.

Our employees are entitled to use a minimum of 10% of their working hours for training, studies, and various innovations.

We carry out weekly technical training through the TechTracks program, as well as leadership training programs—masterclasses with market reference professionals and an internal course platform.

In addition, Indicium Academy is a benchmark in training Modern Data Stack professionals in Brazil, with more than 500 analytics engineering professionals trained.

analytics engineers trained

Encouraging certification and technical reference

We value our professionals' culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing through certification incentive programs and the DataBlogger program for building technical content.

Our professionals have been featured in Modern Data Stack publications, and Indicium Engineering is a reference on Medium for technical content in the area.

Our figures:

7 K
monthly views on Medium
technical content developed

Why hire DSaaS?

Have a data team as flexible as the cloud

DSAS allows any company to start and scale a cutting-edge data team without the need for large investments in hiring and training. We believe that modern data teams should be as flexible as the cloud.

Higher business results with lower TCO

Our multidisciplinary data specialists will enable us to generate business value faster than developing in-house teams, which still regularly suffer from retention difficulties and technical shortcomings.

Technical expertise

We have battle-tested data professionals in companies from the most varied sectors in Brazil and abroad. From start-ups to century-old multinationals, we know what it takes to carry out companies' data-driven transformation—one data product at a time.

Prepare your organization for decades of data-driven innovation.

Connect with us to learn how we can help.